Thursday May 28th

Otago Museum Trip
Yesterday the whole school journeyed to Dunedin to visit the Otago Museum as part of our inquiry topic 'Out of this World'. One of our activities was a visit to the starlab which required us to crawl through a dark tunnel to get inside the dome! When we got inside the dome we were able to see the stars as well as the sun and moon. We learned about different constellations and searched for them in the night sky. Some that we spotted included the Upside Down Dog, Orion, Scorpion and the Southern Cross. We also got to share what we knew about Space and asked some really great questions! 
We also got to go exploring around the Museum and some groups completed a treasure hunt which proved challenging at times! 
Thanks to all the parents and helpers for accompanying us on our trip, we really appreciate it! We had a great day and can't wait to get back into class to find out more about this exciting topic! 
Lining up with our buddies ready to go!

The answers are tricky to find!

Racing to find all the clues
                        We found an answer!
What's our next question?      
The dome we all went in.
Georgia testing out the Whisper Dish

Wednesday May 27th

Morning Programme

One of the most popular topics in Morning Programme has been 'My Hero'. Everyone loves sharing about who they look up to and what makes them special. Cooper chose to talk about his hero Joe Wheeler who plays for the Highlanders. He is Cooper's hero because he is a great rugby player and he is also a cheeky character who likes to play pranks! Cooper was lucky enough to meet Joe when he visited Waiwera South School last year!

Cooper talking about his hero Joe Wheeler

Tuesday May 25th

Last term we had to make a google slide show about what we would do if we were a Prime Minister or Principal for a day.  This was one of our reading activities and tied in with our inquiry topic of Rules, Laws and Protocols.

Here are some of our finished slideshows:

Monday May 25th

Our New Police People!
One of our reading tasks last term was to create a new police man or woman on Google Draw.  This was to do with our inquiry topic Rules, Laws and Protocols.  Check out some of our awesome creations below:
Taylor's Policewoman.

Savannah's Policewoman.

Tayden's Policeman.

Nic's Policeman.

Bree's Policewoman.

Georgia's Policewoman.

Cooper's Policeman!

Iara's Policeman.

Esther's Policewoman.

Julienne's Policewoman.

George's Policeman.

Morning Programme

Today it is very chilly!  There is lots of snow on the hills and it is cold outside.  We all managed to get to school and are carrying on with our learning in our nice warm classroom.

For morning programme today James showed us how to make a paper plane for how to.
Iara talked about her Dad and how he is her hero.  He is her hero because when she was born she was very weak and had low blood oxygen.  Her Dad talked to her and told her life is worth living and held her leg while the doctors worked on her.  What an awesome hero, you are very lucky to have a Dad like that Iara! 

James introducing his topic for morning programme.

He had a cool book with paper plane formats in it.

Getting ready to make his plane.  

Starting to make his plane.  In the box is a whole heap of other planes he has made.

Explaining to the class what to do.

James with the finished product, well done!

Iara speaking about her Dad being her hero.

Iara had the whole audience hooked in.

Thursday May 21st

In writing we are learning how to write reports.  With Miss Chapman we are doing information reports and with Miss Ward we are doing current events reports.  This week with Miss Ward we talked about the purpose of newspapers.  In groups we looked through a different newspaper each to see what they had in them.  We then discussed what some of these things are that newspapers have for example real estate, family notices, national, international and regional news.  Check out what we found some newspapers below had:

Southland Times
- sports news
- things for sale
- family notices
- national news
- international news
- local news
- weather
- business news
- farming from New Zealand news
- comments and opinions
- puzzles
- racing news
- classifieds

Otago Daily Times
- local news (regions)
- travel news
- diversions
- sport and racing news
- family notices
- classifieds
- weather
- sports news
- national news
- international news
- things for sale:  advertising

Clutha Leader
- local sport
- local news
- real estate
- advertising

Otago/Southland Farmer
- advertising
- sports news
- opinions
- jobs
- classifieds
- market place
- local news
- farm news

The Ensign - Gore
- local news
- fundraisers
- advertising
- school information
- real estate
- sports news

We noticed that the smaller papers like the Clutha Leader have less in them than the bigger papers like the Otago Daily Times.

Here are some photos of us doing the above activity in our groups:

Chloe, Iara and Cooper searching through The Ensign.

Nic, Courtney and Esther with the Southland Times.

Taylor, Bree and James with the Clutha Leader.

Tayden, Georgia and Maddie with Otago/Southland Farmer.

George, Savannah and Julienne with the Otago Daily Times.

Wednesday May 20th

Rippa Training with Rory
Yesterday Rory visited us to do a skills session on Rippa.  The annual South-West Rippa Rugby Tournament is on Tuesday May 28th and we are all really looking forward to it!  We have two teams entered from the middle room.

Here are some photos from our visit with Rory yesterday:

Rory explaining the warm up drill to us.

Go, go, go!

The race is on!

Trying to steal each other's rips.  This is a great way to practice taking rips.

Who has the most rips?!

Playing a game of Rippa while Rory gives us tips.

Rory explaining some important rules and giving us tips.

Nic makes a run away try!

Tuesday May 19th

Out of this World! - Planet Earth and Beyond
For inquiry this term our topic is 'Out of this World', which is to do with Planet Earth and Beyond.  Yesterday we did some mucking in to see what we knew.  Miss Ward had some photos for us on different sheets of paper and she put them around the room.  We were then split into groups of three and a two, and we got one minute at each photo to write down our ideas about the photo.  At the end each group reported back to the class on the ideas on one of the photos each.  It was really great to hear the different thoughts people had!  Today we are going to write down our wonderings about this topic, now that will be really interesting!

Check out the photos of us doing our mucking in activity with Miss Ward:

 Courtney, Tayden and Cooper getting their ideas down.

 Taylor, Savannah and Bree flat out recording their ideas.

 Georgia and George writing down their ideas about the rocket.

Chloe, Nic and Maddie had some great ideas about this photo.

Iara, Esther and James had lots to add to this photo!

Tayden, Courtney and Cooper reporting back the ideas on one of the photos.

James, Iara and Esther ready to share back.

Savannah, Taylor and Bree sharing ideas on a photo.

Nic, Maddie and Chloe reporting back.

Georgia and George reporting on the rocket ship photo.