Tuesday 31st May

Oral Language Programme

This term we have been loving our oral language programme. Every Monday and Tuesday it is in the afternoon with Miss Ward and Wednesdays and Thursdays are in the morning with Miss Chapman. We have a range of topics including My Hero, Art Appreciation and Dreams for the future. We have noticed that we have all improved a lot with our confidence with speaking in front of the class and really enjoy getting to show our classmates things that are special to us.

Check out some photos of us doing our Oral language programme!

George showing us his duck for show and tell.

George with his duck which helped attract real ducks!

Georgia with her special jewellery box she chose for show and tell. 

For art appreciation Iara chose to create a poster 

Cooper brought along his bird Oscar for show and tell. 

Savannah showed us her trophy she won.

Maddie chose to teach the class a dance for 'Teach me'.

Thursday 26th May

Sports Activator

Today we had Greer call in again for another skills session for rippa rugby. It was great to see the sun out shining after a few days of wet and cold weather. We got straight into it with a game of seaweed where fast running and stepping were keys to winning.
Next we worked on our passing. We practiced passing from both sides focusing on using the power from our hips. We then played a fun game where we followed Greers actions until she said "ball"! Then it was a race to see who could grab the ball first. It was a lot of fun and we all showed our competitive streaks! We also spent time practicing our stepping and dodging. Then it was time to put all our skills together with a game of rippa. It was a fast paced game and we found that teamwork was an important part of winning. We look forward to using these skills next week in Balclutha at the rippa tournament.

Tuesday 24th May

Constable Rochelle and Kia Kaha!
Today Constable Rochelle came to teach us as part of the Kia Kaha - Anti Bullying programme we are doing for health. We learnt that NO bullying is acceptable. We also learnt that if we are bystanders we can be just as bad as the bully. Telling an older person or adult we trust about bullying is really important. This will let the person getting bullied, get help.

Some of the different types of bullying are physical, verbal and cyber bullying. NO bullying is acceptable and we need to do all we can to help anyone who is being bullied.

Monday 16th May

Kia Kaha Programme
We are doing the Kia Kaha - Anti Bullying Programme at school for the next few weeks. This is our health topic. This programme is taught with the help of our local Police Youth Education Officer, Constable Rochelle Gordon. Yesterday we had our first lesson and looked at how we are all different and similar. We need to accept people for who they are, just because they may look different does not mean we have the right to judge them.
After that we looked at how we are special as individuals and how our class is special. We started creating shields to show this. We still need to finish them.

Check out some photos below of us doing the similarities and differences activities with a black and white and then colour photo. The photo was the same.

Wednesday 11th May


This term for inquiry the focus is Hui-Ako- a performance which will be held in Balclutha at the end of the term. We have been looking into Myths and Legends. We have focused on one book called Hatupatu and the Birdwoman. In groups, we were working on re-telling this story. This helped us work on our key competency of participating and contributing. We have also been experimenting with some drama and practicing our freeze frames which were quite tricky for some of us. We also had to draw a picture of our interpretations of the bird woman. It was interesting to see everyone's different ideas and imaginations coming through in the drawings.

Thursday 5th May

Sports Activator

On Tuesday Greer came to teach us some rippa rugby skills.
First we practiced our ripping skills by playing a game where we had to get as many rips as possible. It was trickier than it looked!
Next it was time to practice our passing skills. We learnt how to pass from our hips and even practiced passing from both sides which proved a challenge.
After we had mastered our passing we played a game of bullrush. This helped us to work on our running, dodging and ripping.
Finally we got to put together all the skills we had been learning and practicing and play a game of rippa. This really helped with our teamwork and communicating as well.

These skills will be useful for our rippa rugby tournament coming up on the 31st May. Everyone loved our rippa session and cannot wait for next time! It was also great to have such a lovely day to be outside enjoying some sport.