Thursday 16th June

Sports Activator

Yesterday we had Greer come visit again. This time she was teaching us some tips and skills about Hockey.
First we had to learn how to hold the hockey stick correctly. We had to have our left hand at the top of the hockey stick and our right hand further down. This helps us have more control. To warm up we got into a square and had to practice dribbling the ball. This was then made harder by other people trying to hit your ball out of the square. We found it very tricky especially trying to keep our own ball in as well! It was then time to practice our passing. We got into pairs and began passing the ball to each other from a short distance remembering to keep our stick down and to push the ball. This seemed easy enough until we had to spread out further and passing accurately was a bit more difficult. We played a couple of games of shark attack where we continued practising our dribbling while other people tried to knock our balls away. It was a lot of fun. Finally it was time to put all our skills to use in a game of hockey. It was a fast-paced game that ended up a draw which was a fair result.

We had great fun learning new skills that we will continue to keep working on. Check out some photos of us below!

Practising having control of our ball. 

It was hard keeping our ball in!

Practising our passing. 

Great pass Iara!

Carefully dribbling through the cones. 

Shark attack!

Watch out for George Taylor!

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